Installment Created Trigger
in Sales Finance enables you to automate key tasks and workflows when a new installment is created for a product. This automation ensures that all related processes are handled efficiently, providing a seamless experience for both your team and your customers.
How It Works:
  1. Select the Product
    : Identify and select the specific product for which the automation should be triggered whenever an installment is created. This ensures the workflow applies only to relevant products and transactions.
  2. Define the Workflow
    : Upon the creation of an installment, the trigger activates a pre-defined automation sequence. Possible actions include:
  • Send Installment Confirmation
    : Automatically send an email or notification to the customer confirming the creation of the installment and detailing payment schedules, amounts, and due dates.
  • Update Financial Records
    : Ensure that your financial records and CRM are updated to reflect the new installment, including amounts, dates, and payment terms.
  • Create Follow-Up Tasks
    : Generate tasks for your team to monitor the installment payments and address any issues or questions from the customer.
  • Invoice Management
    : Trigger the generation and sending of invoices or receipts related to the installment, ensuring that all financial documentation is managed efficiently.
  • Customer Reminders
    : Set up automated reminders for upcoming installment payments to keep customers informed and reduce the risk of missed payments.
Benefits of the Automation Workflow:
  • Efficiency
    : Automates repetitive tasks associated with installment management, reducing manual workload and minimizing errors.
  • Timely Communication
    : Ensures customers receive prompt and accurate information regarding their installment, improving their overall experience.
  • Accurate Records
    : Keeps your financial and CRM systems updated automatically, maintaining data accuracy and integrity.
  • Enhanced Monitoring
    : Facilitates proactive management of installment payments and customer follow-ups, helping to prevent issues and ensure timely collections.
By setting up the appropriate product and automating the installment workflow, you can streamline your processes, improve operational efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction.